Its been a wonderful first three months. We are very thankful to be filling a need here in the community and helping people when and where we can.
Here are a few numbers from the first three months of operation:
- We have received 31 calls from people looking for shelter
- We have had 18 residents.
- We have provided 416 nights of shelter
- 63% male residents representing 206 shelter nights
- 37% female residents representing 210 shelter nights
- 72% of our residents are from Forest County
We are averaging about 4.5 shelter nights per day.
The average length of stay per resident is about 23 days.
In the past three months we have helped 4 people with emergency short term stays as they were passing through our area.
We have helped find stable employment for 3 people, stable housing for 10 people.
14 people or 77% of our residents have received case management services.
In the month of Sept. we were at max. capacity with 12 people here at one time. While we have beds to sleep 14, the empty beds were in the mens side, which means we had to turn away any women or families with children looking for shelter.
In September we had to start a waiting list with 6 requests for shelter, representing approx. 25 people. By the time we had room for them most had moved on or were otherwise unreachable.
Currently we have 3 residents in-house with one of those checking out in the next two weeks.
In the past three months volunteers have logged about 400 hours of service helping keep the shelter up and running (and I am VERY thankful for their assistance).
The Lord has blessed us to do His work and I am very thankful to be given to opportunity to help meet the need in our community.
Our budget is still short to meet our requirements for this year with winter fast approaching. We are still accepting donations of some things and that list can be found under the donations portion of the website as well as a Paypal DONATE button for charitable gifts of money. Any gifts, whether they be monetary or donated items, will receive a tax deductible receipt upon request.
I hope to get some pictures posted here soon of what our facility looks like so be sure to check back periodically for updates and new content.
Thank you for stopping by to visit us! If you have any questions feel free to email or call.
I thought I would see if I could find NHSTH by searching web but we are not listed anywhere. I found this website and thought you should take a look at it and see if we could be listed with them. Just a thought. Also the email address on the web page doesn’t work.
Thanks Sam! I will check out the site. Which email address didn’t work?