October Update

It’s the middle of October and as the weather is beginning to cool down, things here at the shelter are getting busier. The shelter has been fairly steady for most of this month with 4-5 residents. We have had a total of 8 residents over this last month and a half. Our community garden is done for the year and we are preparing it for fall as well as next spring’s planting. We are also getting ready for a community hay ride here on Oct. 29th.

We would like to say “thank you” to you, our local community, friends, and supporters from across the country as we continue to help our residents find employment, housing, transportation, clothes, food and counseling. We are very thankful for your prayers and support. Without you we couldn’t help those in need in our community.

We are also grateful for recent donations of many other supplies including food, toiletries, diapers, batteries, laundry supplies, phone cards, gift cards, and cleaning supplies we’ve received this month to serve and maintain the shelter. The Lord is blessing us every day.

Please join with us in praise and prayer about this fall’s grant applications and continued fundraising efforts. We’ve just recently sent out a letter to area businesses asking for their support and donations to help us maintain the shelter. Approximately 25% of our annual budget comes from private donations. We were recently blessed with funds from the Forest County Potawatomi Executive Council to help get us into the next cycle of grant applications. Praise the Lord this should be enough funds to carry us into the second quarter of 2012!

Please keep in prayer our staff, community service volunteers, and our residents as we are presented with the opportunity to help the needy families in our area.

Thank you so much for both your prayer and financial support, we are operating and able to remain open and helping people in need because of your generosity. We are truly blessed to be doing His work with your help.



Thank you for your continued prayer and support!

In His Service,




Micah Dewing

Shelter Director

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